Uncomplicated Belgian Design


An interview with Wünder
The Bench - Wünder

An interview with Wünder

'Fresh, inspiring and Belgian' is how Arthur Nevejan, co-founder and commercial catalyst of Belgian outdoor furniture design company Wünder, would describe Wünder in three words. We had a conversation with this young entrepreneur about Wünder, his vision, industry trends and the future. 
Wünder is a young company, established in 2018 when four young minds came together to realise their desire to freshen up outdoor design and bring people together around colourful outdoor furniture. A proud Belgian label, production takes place locally and in collaboration with dedicated local craftsmen and partners. 
Wünder embodies our robust West Flemish spirit of daring and doing
In 2020, Wünder launched their inaugural design, ‘The Table’, an outdoor picnic table, an emblematic design that materialises the company’s signature: youthful, fresh, straightforward, minimalist, ‘simplicity first’ and a hint of colour. The seats of ‘The Table’ are longer than the table itself, allowing more people to gather around the table and join in the festivities. “We incorporate small, playful features into our designs, hoping to put a smile to people’s faces when enjoying our designs”, says Arthur. 
“We don’t aim to be the brand with 150 products and designs”, Arthur explains. “We concentrate on a select few standard designs and offer a diverse colour palette. Our customers can choose and cutomize any colour according to their preferences and branding style. This way, a Wünder design can be personalised”. 
We aim to establish a fun label, offering designs that stand out and evoke the reaction, ‘Wow, this looks cool!’
“We perceive ourselves as a design label”, explains Arthur. “We craft designs that can be assembled as a cohesive unit but also disassembled and paired with other items. For instance, you can purchase our small outdoor benches as a set or individually. We have a particular fondness for design accessories and the act of giving something meaningful to someone you care about. In our collection, you’ll find items like a fire bowl and a blow poke, distinguishing us from other outdoor design companies.”
It’s a bit absurd how we’re all doing our own thing, by collaborating, we can achieve more and progress further
“We firmly believe in the power of collaboration”, Arthur tells us. “We already collaborate with complimentary outdoor design companies for photoshoots and organising events for architects. We see great potential in expanding these collaborations to showcase our local Belgian design and expertise, together.”
He continues: “At Wünder, we aspire for our designs not only to bring people together through the furniture we craft but also in our design process itself. We’re eager to collaborate with other designers, creatives with fresh and innovative ideas to contribute to our collection. We’re certainly open to different perspectives, new input, co-creations, and partnerships.”
Our passion for marketing is what sets us apart from most others
“Alongside our love for design, we also harbour a deep passion for marketing”, Arthur elaborates. “We recognise the significance of marketing and social media, viewing them as integral components alongside our designs. Establishing a strong and enduring brand requires robust branding strategies. We enjoy collaborating with influencers and being active and creative on digital platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and more recently, TikTok. Our vision and approach position Wünder as a youthful brand, appealing to a diverse demographic. The majority of our customers fall between their late twenties and mid-forties—individuals who appreciate design and are willing to invest in quality products that provide lasting enjoyment for years to come.”
I see a growing emphasis on short supply chains, a re-evaluation of local production, and increased collaborations
Arthur reflects when discussing emerging trends.
“The Covid pandemic shed light on some of the drawbacks of a global economy, such as supply chain issues, rising transportation and energy costs, and sustainability concerns. Collaborating locally enables us to address many of these challenges. Nowadays, there is a greater appreciation for local production and design.”
He further notes, “In terms of design, there's a trend towards incorporating more colours. In outdoor furniture, for instance, we used to primarily see a colour scheme of grey, black, and white. However, this is changing. People now seek to infuse their outdoor spaces with vibrant colours to evoke feelings of joy and energy.”
My advice to young people: gaining hands-on, practical experience in different companies and industries is always valuable
“You can learn a lot from real-life experiences”, Arthur shares. “Understanding how things work in practice, not just in theory, is crucial. It's not just about generating ideas; being practical is also essential. Consider factors like pricing and transportation efficiency. Pricing decisions can significantly impact the design process. For example, how can you design something that is both cost-effective to produce and transport? These practical considerations are vital for any design or design label. Combining creativity with a marketing mindset is key to creating successful designs.”
Thank you for sharing your vision with us, Arthur!