
Future Education

Often, grassroots change begins with education. Education in the broader sense, in environments where ideas and knowledge are shared, allowing room for discovery, experimentation, questioning and out-of-the-box thinking. In these places, seeds of innovation germinate, and true transformation begins to take place. 
Adopting technology as a natural part of future education allows both teacher and student to explore & expand their research, design, creativity & collaborative skills beyond what we’ve ever seen before
Talking about the job market: tomorrow's education will hold a special place and importance for the input of the industry, businesses and collaborations. 

Companies will become learning environments in which students can make use of technology and learn valuable and necessary practical skills. 

Companies will, in turn, also rely on students and schools to assist them in deeper R&D and call on the student's fresh outlook to find solutions to old problems. 
One of the keywords in tomorrow's education is: partnerships. The education system, industry, government & individual initiatives will join forces to provide hands-on, relevant, creative, technological & innovative education methods & environments
Textile Museum - Tilburg
One of the keywords in tomorrow's education is: partnerships. The education system, the industry, government and individual initiatives will join forces to provide more hands-on, relevant and innovative education methods and environments.

'Teaching the teachers' is an integral aspect of tomorrow's education, as well as continued education and self-study. Our world changes quicker than it ever has and we need to keep up. School doesn't finish at a certain time or age, it is no longer constrained to a particular place, a teacher is no longer embodied by a certain type of a person (or even a person at all). Education becomes timeless, ageless, contactless, boundless. 

There is a special place for 'values and sensitivities'. Teaching, learning and creating with environmental, social and humanitarian values in mind is pivotal. Diversity and inclusivity will finally be part of our everyday learning environments, a reflection of our modern societies.